Flat-bed Screen Printers

The Accu-Print High-Tech offers a combination of engineering attributes that simply can't be matched. A patented computer controlled stroke length adjustment and our exclusive ink recovery system are enough to establish the High-Tech in a category of its own. Add standard modem service capabilities and optional interactive diagnostics with the features described and you have a world class flat bed screen printing machine.

Yet many of the most compelling reasons to choose the High-Tech are not readily visible; belt drive heavy duty ball-bearing carriage for smooth squeegee action, independent carriage stroke and head-lift drive, electro-mechanical brake four point masterframe lock-in, new up-front peel control with optional parallel peel system (patent pending), quiet maintenance free vacuum motor and more safety features than any other press.

Ultimately, the most outstanding feature of the High-Tech is the company behind it. Designed for durability, low maintenance and instant service, this press is built for the long run, with the technology to work for you every day.