Pneumatic and Servo-Drive Multicolor Textile Printers


  • Prints up to 10 colors to increase your printing capabilities and enlarge your customer base
  • Rugged, vibration-free construction for long, reliable work life
  • Optional remote diagnostic system available - providing instant service worldwide, and minimizing service calls and downtime, saving money!
  • Easy setup and quick changeover minimize downtime between jobs
  • Prints more than 75 dozen pieces per hour, boosting your productivity
  • Multiple safety systems, including cable lockout and instant stop system - safest press in the industry!



The New Econo-Tex Automatic, the product of more than a decade of R & D advances, is the industry's most versatile entry-level textile-printing system.

The Econo-Tex Automatic offers many standard features that other automatics have available only as high-priced options. The Econo-Tex Automatic helps small and mid-sized printers switch to high-speed automation easily and affordably - while printing even the most intricate images with greater flexibility and creativity. When you purchase and Econo-Tex Automatic you not only get advanced, high-quality printer, but also a company dedicated to providing you with a complete line of printing equipment, supplies and parts.